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How to Calculate Your GPA in the Most Efficient Way

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GPA stands for grade point average, and it’s a standard way to measure your academic success during high school or college. It can help you evaluate your class performance compared to other students and even help you land scholarships or jobs after you graduate. Here’s how to calculate your GPA in the most efficient way possible so that you can be proud of your performance throughout high school and college!

What is a GPA?

A GPA, or grade point average, is a number calculated by dividing a student’s total points earned by their total possible points. The GPA can be weighted and unweighted depending on what system the college or university uses.

A weighted GPA takes into consideration that some courses are worth more than others while an unweighted GPA does not account for this difference.

An example of a weighted GPA would be 4.0 and an unweighted would be 3.7 in a normal system where A=4 points and B=3 points.

The easiest way to calculate your own GPA is with TejTools’ free online GPA calculator which calculates both weighted and unweighted GPAs for you!

How is it calculated?

The GPA is calculated by dividing your total grade points by the number of credits or hours that you have completed. You also need to take into account your final exam scores and whether or not you’ve taken any Pass/Fail classes. Here are some resources that you can use to calculate your GPA:

(A) The TejTools GPA Calculator, which will allow you to input all of the grades and credits for a particular semester and then compute both your cumulative and semester GPAs.

(B) The US Department of Education’s GPA Calculator, which will allow you to input all of the grades and credits for a particular year and then compute both your cumulative and year GPAs.

How can I improve my GPA?

Students who have a GPA of 3.5 or higher will qualify for scholarships and grants. So, if you’re striving to get your GPA up, here are some helpful tips that might just help you do it:

Keep track of your grades using TejTools. This GPA calculator is really handy because it can help you stay organized with your progress and see which classes need improvement.

Try not to take any credits during summer school or over winter break. If you’re enrolled in a course that doesn’t start until January, consider taking it during the fall semester instead so there’s more time for work outside of class and less temptation to procrastinate studying over holiday breaks. The GPA Calculator also lets you know what types of courses will help raise your GPA; this could be humanities courses like English, history, and philosophy.

What are some common mistakes students make when calculating their GPA?

One of the most common mistakes students make when calculating their GPA is not being aware of how different types of grades are weighted. For example, if you have a C- and a D+ on your transcript, your GPA will be calculated as a 2.0 because it takes more points off for getting a lower grade. Similarly, teachers may assign grades based on tests or projects instead of assigning an average grade at the end of each semester. In this case, it’s important to know what type of grading system they use so you can calculate your GPA correctly!

Another common mistake is not realizing that courses with variable credit hours can also affect your GPA even if they’re not included in your overall hours or credits.

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